Monday, February 16, 2009

Courtney's Workout of the Week

Mare, here are two workouts I am in love with this week. These two exercises are fantastic for building and toning glute muscles. We both need this for different reasons. I am trying to get rid of some of my luggage back there and tone up, and you are trying to add some shape to your skinny bum. I thought you might be able to benefit from these since you are trying to build a butt. The first day my trainer had me do these I could barely walk. Sitting down was brutal because I was so sore. This was exactly what I was looking for because nothing gets my butt sore. These two exercises are great to pair up with lunges, box step-ups, one legged squats, or one legged dead lifts. Get ready to feel the burn, these workouts isolate your glutes and you'll be feeling it after your first few reps!


  1. I do both of those and they are killer. The side to side one looks deceptively easy... so not!

  2. YOU ARE SERIOUSLY SO CUTE!!! I loved this! You nailed it! I need a tooshi! I have done the side workout before but not with a band...CLEARLY I was missing something! I am so excited! Thanks for the workout! Im so excited to get a boooooty! :) Miss you.

  3. What is this, a new blog? How cute are you guys! Well, My butt is developing a few crazy craters and I am in serious need for some toning... Going to Florida next month and don't want to look like a cow. So I think I will have to go get one of those bands and join in on the excersize. Miss you guys!

  4. You are too cute. Where do you train at? Is it a class that you go to or a private session?
